Saturday, December 27, 2014

Chicago Dr. Visit 12-23-14

Betty and I went to see a different doctor, Dr. Galvin.  He specializes in Graft Vs Host.  Even though I didn't think I had any GVHD (graft vs host disease) issues, he pointed out that not only is my marrow failing to thrive, my body is now failing to thrive.  He put me on Prednisone based on long term decline in my blood work, Liver, and weight loss.  He believes I have chronic GVHD.  He was very happy that my Doctor in Green Bay was dealing with the iron overload
and he felt that was very important also.

At this point I was in total agreement as I felt more like I was dying than going to live.  I took took the first dose Christmas Eve morning.  I have not felt so good or had this much energy in a year:)  I'm now four days into it and I am feeling really good.  Got more of an appetite, gastrointestinal issues are way better, my lip that has had an open sore more than it heals is closed up.  I do have trouble sleeping and that was to be expected.  Praise God for this medication.  The plan is to taper it down to the lowest point where symptoms are kept away.  He also put me back on an anti viral and bacterial med because i will be slightly more prone to infection.  Thanks to everyone for the prayers and support, they were answered and I'm on my way to getting well and stronger.
God Bless,
Scott and Betty


  1. Scott and Betty, you are both truly an inspiration to everyone following your health & blog. You are fighting it together and that defines your strong love for one another. You are teaching so many of us the importance of life, happiness and survival. God bless both of you!!!! Betty, thank you from the bottom of my heart for the DVD's!!
    Shelly Leist

  2. Sounds like you are on the road to feeling better. Stay strong and keep us updated.

  3. Hi, Scott. Hope to see you soon! Glad you're turning the corner with the steroid treatments.
    Love, Karen
