Sunday, September 28, 2014

I know I haven't posted in a while, without knowing where my blood counts are  at this time I can only tell you that I feel good.  I really don't like getting my blood counts because they have not brought good news lately.  My eyes are still sore and dry and it seems like the contact thing isn't working as good as it did in the beginning.  I have actually gotten to the point where I can scrape off these filaments that attach to my eye, with my fingernail.  I don't suggest it but it works for me. 

I will be making an appointment for labs in the week coming up and I think I will probably see a Dermatologist as I have something like scar tissue forming in my armpits.  I think it's from shirts rubbing the skin in that area, but I have all sorts of new marks on my skin.  I am starting to get fluid in my lower legs, I don't know if it's a heart issue or liver issue.  If anyone else has this after treatment, two plus years now, I would like to know what you know about it.  Still have a lot of trouble swallowing many foods, gotta have something to drink handy or I choke, but that has kept my weight down nicely:) 

Please take this for what it is, information for others going or about to go through this.  I am not complaining.  I don't need transfusions, I wake up every morning outside a hospital or morgue, and other than running I can do pretty much anything I did before.  God is Great!  Betty continues to encourage me and keep me looking at the positive.  I truly thank God for her!  Well, I will post when I get labs and see a Derm. 
God Bless,


  1. Glad to see your post and that you are still kicking. My husband is 18 months post transplant and although is better than before the transplant, still has various issues, GVHD on his tongue, hasn't regained all his strenght. He had the fluid in the lower legs but is resolved itself over a few months. Started taking lasik, but now off and his legs are normal. I think he's hit his "new normal" and although it's not as much as we hoped's 100 times better than he was before the transplant. Good luck to you

  2. Hey Scott,
    It's been a little while science I have been here but I am glad to see you're still posting. I know what you are going through must suck but keep fighting. If there is anything I can do or help you with, besides carrying you on a run, please let me know.
